Now that our time is up, I just want to thank Human Rights Watch and the Institute for Inclusive Security.
There's one issue that I'd like you to think about and get back to the committee on. As we talk about the 51 countries that have a plan, and we're going into what we think is the second phase of new plans, it would be interesting to know how a process could be developed, if there is one or isn't one, with those 51 nations to collectively work to improve in the second round so that we have the kinds of structures that you're talking about. My favourite topic, of course, is then to make it easier to go to core funding, because there must have been a reason why people seem to think it should have been more program oriented than core funding.
I'm a big fan of core funding. I bring it up at almost every meeting, so I want you to think about that and maybe get back to the clerk and the committee.
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much. We very much appreciate it. It was a very good discussion.
We will take a five-minute break and then we'll go to the next invited guest.
Thank you.