Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. I will table it officially. I don't know if it is clear enough. The other document was prepared by a group of civil society organizations. In it, these organizations express their 10 main concerns regarding the bill. I think that these two documents will be very useful tools for the members of the committee.
I'd like to get back to Mr. Byers. Can the clerk confirm that he was invited to the committee? I believe he was on our list of witnesses. Did he agree to come and present his point of view on the bill to us? We have had him before the committee a few times, and I think he can contribute some very interesting expertise.
I would like to raise a related topic that is not directly connected to today's study.
In Quebec recently, we have been hearing about a group of gun owners who are opposed to the Quebec gun registry. They are conducting quite a virulent campaign against PolySeSouvient, or Poly Remembers. This very well-known Quebec organization was created following the horrible Polytechnique massacre that was perpetrated against women, as you will recall. This informal group of gun owners pirated the Poly Remembers Facebook page. It sends photographs of guns to survivors of the Polytechnique massacre. It has also sent hate messages and made threats against some of the survivors of the massacre.
I would like to know whether you condemn this type of action.