Thank you very much for your presentation, Mr. President.
You touched upon several issues that I wanted to explore with you, and I'm glad you did.
However, first I want to say that I was pleased to join my colleagues yesterday at the peacekeeping monument. As a veteran of the Canadian Armed Forces, I have friends who served as part of the Kosovo mission, and it was nice to see our last officer from Pristina join the ceremony. I'd like to thank my colleague Anita for organizing it. As someone who served in Halifax in the air force with our navy, I was very happy to see you inspect our honour guard in Halifax in conjunction with the security forum. I know that this city would have treated you very well.
You touched on international membership, and with Kosovo being recognized by Canada, the United States, and other countries for a decade now, where do you feel your campaign for status in the United Nations sits? Did you raise UN membership in your meetings with Prime Minister Trudeau?