We don't do a numeric ranking because it's impossible to do so. Academics have tried to see if there's a way you can take all the data and come up with a ranking, but it's impossible. We don't do so, so I won't say that it is the worst, that it's in the bottom 10 or the bottom 20, but I will say that year upon year, for decades now, it has featured prominently in Amnesty International reports across the entire range of human rights concerns: civil and political rights, economic, social, and cultural rights, women's equality, and the protection of minorities.
It's just about the only country left in the world now that will execute juvenile offenders. We're in the midst of two cases of concern right now of individuals on death row who face imminent execution for crimes they committed when they were children. It's a country that I think we can safely say, in every way possible, shows contempt for human rights.