Yes. I put that in intentionally to see if anybody would respond.
There is, in consular law, a doctrine called the rule of non-interference. I don't know if other witnesses have raised this or not. Basically it says that a consulate may not interfere in the internal affairs of the state to which they've been posted.
At the same time, the Vienna convention makes it very, very clear that consulates can address the authorities when their nationals' rights have been violated. They can represent them in court when they can't represent their own interests. They can arrange for their legal representation. They can assist them in that representation. In other words, there must be some kind of a distinction to be made between interference and intervention.
I would say that the distinction is straightforward. If a legal system abroad allows, for example, the filing of friend of the court, amicus curiae, briefs, as most common law jurisdictions do, as well as some others, there is no reason at all why a consulate cannot file a brief, provided it has something to bring to the court's attention that's important, such as a violation of the Vienna convention.
That, in fact, is something that Canada has done in some cases in the past. Other countries do it with some regularity. It is not interference. It is simply making sure that your national is vigorously defended and that you're making full use of the mechanisms available to any case in that particular court or jurisdiction.
Now, it would be interference, for example, to seek preferential treatment or to ask for an exemption under domestic law, or to, I don't know, bribe a judge, but it is not interference to intervene in the proceedings to ensure that your national's basic rights are protected on an equal footing.