Let me translate that. There is a group of diseases called neglected tropical diseases, and they are affecting hundreds of millions of people, often not with as high mortality as AIDS, tuberculosis, or malaria, but debilitating over the lifetime. These diseases usually get less attention and are less funded than AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria.
Among them, schistosomiasis is the most prevalent one, and here there is a link, because having this disease increases the chance of HIV transmission. We can make that link, and in general the Global Fund can support the payment for opportunistic infections, whatever they might be, because, as you know, AIDS doesn't kill by itself. It impacts the immune system, and then other diseases basically kill the patient. We provide drugs that protect people from these opportunistic infections, and schistosomiasis is the one among the NTDs that is relevant here.
The answer is yes, we try to integrate as much as possible. To be honest, I would sometimes like to see it even more integrated, so we could expand that even a bit further. We have a clear mandate from the international community on AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria, and we cannot move away from that, but where there is a clear link, we can also provide funding, provided the country applies for it.