I would entirely endorse what the ambassador just said. While Nero fiddles in Washington, the global architecture is shifting in an unattractive way for us. It's desperately important that we pull together in the west. We're far too absorbed with individual concerns, because a new era has dawned in China with Xi since 2012, and is now confirmed with the 19th party congress.
A new, coercive, assertive, arrogant China is on the march, and it's not interested in war. It doesn't have any appetite for war, despite a huge modernizing of the PLA, because it can achieve everything it wants incrementally. It's the carborundum effect, which we saw in the Crimea, which we saw in the South China Sea, and which could be unfolding—that's one of the anxieties—beneath the one belt, one road. Is the belt and road initiative in some ways, in the eyes of some analysts, the thin edge of the wedge in terms of being a larger South China Sea phenomenon, but in the Indian Ocean? I would suggest that we in the west are increasingly endangered by the larger architecture of global affairs, and we need to pull together.