I believe China is a country under the rule of law. We have ample evidence of criminals who were punished according to the law and the regulations of China.
The second thing is about the language. We are using Chinese rather than the Tibetan language. Since Chinese is a universal language used in China, there is no problem with us speaking Chinese, but if any one of you can speak the Tibetan language then it is okay for me to talk in the Tibetan language. From Tibetan to Chinese and then Chinese to English we would have double the translation. Only in light of time we are going to speak in Chinese.
The third point is about the opening up of Tibet. As the country is more and more open to the outside world, Tibet is also more open. There are more and more tourists from inside and outside of China coming to Tibet.
One thing I need to mention is that it is a very special area. It is located in a plateau and the ecological situation is not quite the same as that of inland China.
Anyway, we welcome all of those people who are friendly toward us but Tibetan people would never welcome those who uphold or support the separatist activities or who impede the unity of China.
With regard to Gedhun Choekyi Nyima, he is an ordinary citizen of China and having an ordinary life in Tibet. He has already received a modern education, and I think he and his family members don't want to, are not willing to, be interrupted by the external environment. If there is an opportunity, you will see that he has a very good life now.