I can start.
Like I said, I think the commitments that Canada made have been really important. We're seeing the impacts of those. There are indications that Canada intends to make more commitments to international development funding. The $400 million was announced, as I said, in September, but we haven't seen indications of where that money is flowing yet.
I'm kind of going back to my earlier comments. In particular, when we're talking about the humanitarian response and the intersections of COVID-19 and the conflicts and climate change crisis that are already happening, that urgency is really needed. That's why it was one of our big recommendations.
It's not all about the quantity of money, but it's about the quality, how quickly the money is getting out the door and that we're providing thoughtful recommendations on where that money could actually be spent. For example, when we were talking about the neglected areas, including child protection, gender-based violence as well as mental health and psychosocial support for these children, I think that's where Canada can also play a real leadership role. It's not just with funding, but also by elevating these issues and ensuring that they're prioritized, which they've been doing in many cases, particularly around gender-based violence. We've seen really great leadership there.