I just have a very brief point. I don't want to hold this up. I agree with proceeding in that fashion.
I just want to say that we have to acknowledge that this is a very big deal. This is highly anti-Semitic material in educational materials that are being given to children in a conflict zone. Given the history, the idea that we would just take UNRWA's word for it.... At the very least, trust, but verify, right? We know what they said, and we can report what they said. I think that's the best way to proceed, but I think saying, “Oh, it's just a mistake,” misses the real significance and gravity of the implications of putting material like this in front of children. I think we're all supportive of the idea of engagement with the Palestinian people. When I was in the territories, I visited an UNRWA school, as well as a security lab funded by our previous government that facilitates security co-operation between the Palestinian Authority and the Israelis. There are opportunities to support engagement, but this is a very serious issue.
I'll leave it there. Thanks, Mr. Chair.