Thank you.
I would like to thank the members of the committee for inviting me to speak today to discuss the vulnerabilities created and exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.
My name is Joel Spicer. I'm the president and CEO of Nutrition International, which is a global nutrition organization with its headquarters right here in Canada.
At Nutrition International we've been working with governments as an expert ally to help them bring low-cost, high-impact nutrition and health interventions to scale for almost 30 years.
Normally you expect to find a global organization headquartered in London, Geneva or New York. We’re proud to have our roots in Canada, but our branches are global. We reach over 500 million people around the world every year in more than 60 countries. Our partnership with Canada has so far saved five million children’s lives and prevented millions of cases of anemia, stunting and permanent mental impairment.
Over this part year, we have witnessed the devastating impact of COVID-19 across the countries in Africa and Asia where we work. To understand how this pandemic has amplified and intensified vulnerabilities due to malnutrition, it is important to highlight the role nutrition plays in overall health and immunity. Simply put, good nutrition is the foundation for human development. It is the critical ingredient every one of us needs to survive and to thrive. Without it, the brain cannot develop properly, the body cannot grow and the immune system cannot function effectively, leaving people vulnerable to infection and disease. It's about accessing the right nutrients at the right time to prevent irreversible, lifelong harm.
With that in mind, let's consider the impacts of the pandemic.
Millions of women, adolescent girls, children and newborns have not been able to access the preventive care and life-saving vitamins and minerals they need. Even low-case estimates project that by 2022 we're going to see 2.1 million additional cases of maternal anemia, 170,000 additional child deaths and over $30 billion in additional productivity losses due to COVID-related increases in malnutrition. It's clear to us that the knock-on effects of COVID-19 in creating a malnutrition crisis are going to be a major obstacle in a global recovery from the pandemic.
As we know, these impacts fall most heavily on women, girls and children. Malnutrition in the form of anemia is one of the most devastating manifestations of COVID-19 disruptions that we're seeing. Over one billion women and girls suffered from anemia before the pandemic, but those rates are now rising due to COVID-19. Anemia increases the chance of a woman dying during pregnancy and delivery. It stunts infant growth and damages the cognitive development of children as well as weakens their immune systems, making them more susceptible to infection and disease. If that weren’t enough, it compromises their ability to learn in school and succeed there.
I'll give you an example of this at the country level, and it's a good example that intersects with Dr. Kanem's testimony. Anemia is threatening women and girls' survival and health in our country programs in Tanzania. In a country where teenage pregnancy is on the rise—and more so since COVID-19—one out of every four adolescent girls between the age of 15 and 19 old years gets pregnant, some more than once. Fifty per cent of these girls, including these young mothers, suffer from anemia. When you combine these factors—rising early pregnancy rates and rising anemia—that puts them and their babies at incredible risk. The maternal mortality rate is 70 times that of Canada and rising. Anemia is the culprit in more than one out of every five preventable deaths, even though it can be prevented at low cost.
The lives and potential of a generation of Tanzanian women, and the next generation too, is being undermined by anemia. The good news is that we know what to do to combat it and how to to do it at scale. It's one of the most cost-effective development interventions there is. It gets results. The fight against anemia has up until now lacked a global champion with a track record and credibility to rally the world. Canada is well positioned to be that champion.
As you study the vulnerabilities created and amplified by COVID-19, we know that the global needs are massive and global resources are finite. Canada can't lead everywhere, but we can make a real difference if we increase our investments in a set of strategic, high-impact areas that build from existing leadership, credibility and expertise. Nutrition is one of those areas and it's essential for a global COVID recovery.
The year 2021 is an essential year for nutrition. In Japan, the Nutrition for Growth summit in December will be the culmination of it. We're positioned as a long-standing donor with a strong track record to rally the world around this issue and to mobilize that energy toward solving a major global problem. Being a catalyst for a global initiative to address anemia will strengthen Canada's broader investments to reinforce immune systems around the world while ensuring that the most vulnerable of this generation and the next have the opportunity to survive and thrive. That will be something that all Canadians can be proud of in our country's response to COVID-19.
Thank you.