Colleagues, I am very happy to finally have the opportunity to speak to this motion.
I would like to begin by saying that, throughout my entire political career, which has lasted over 26 years, I have been a member of the party in power for just 18 months. In other words, I am a past master of being in the opposition. I will say that, in the course of my lengthy political career, while I have engaged in systematic obstruction, I've never talked about my cat, my dog or mowing my lawn. Whenever I engaged in systematic obstruction, I always tried to keep my remarks relevant so that nobody could accuse me of straying from the subject.
With all due respect to Ms. Fry, I am quite capable of recognizing systematic obstruction regardless of what people are talking about. I'm not suggesting that Ms. Sahota's and Ms. Fry's remarks were not relevant, but they did seem to me to qualify as systematic obstruction. I was extremely surprised, not to mention disappointed, that anyone would engage in systematic obstruction with respect to this motion, because my governing party colleagues led me to believe they were seeking a compromise, so when they hog the mike to prevent anyone else from speaking, that's not really signalling that they want a compromise. I therefore concluded that they were indeed engaging in systematic obstruction. As I said, I was quite surprised and deeply disappointed. I was, as always, prepared to seek a compromise, as colleagues of mine who belong to both committees of which I am a member know. However, I have had to wait several meetings for my turn to speak to this matter.
I found it passing strange that one of my governing party colleagues would oppose the idea of reporting to the House on the grounds that it would waste time the House could dedicate to studying bills. It is not only strange, but ironic, that our governing party colleagues are wasting the committee's time telling us that we shouldn't waste time the House could be spending on bills.
It's even more astounding considering the fact that the governing party put the business of the House on hold for months after seeking prorogation. That was after the only bills that progressed in the House that spring or summer were bills to implement emergency measures. That meant we weren't able to legislate for months. We only began to do so this past fall.
That's why I found the argument that tabling reports in the House prevents the House from dedicating time to bills so inappropriate and ironic.
That said, I had the opportunity to tell some of my governing party colleagues that focusing on bills is not the exclusive province of the government. I truly believe that. It is every parliamentarian's responsibility. We're each responsible for ensuring adequate time to legislate. I certainly understand that.
It's also my understanding that, with unanimous consent, extending the House's sitting hours is totally doable. That is what we do for emergency debates.
While it seems to me that the opposition has increasingly been employing the tactic of transforming a simple motion into a report that could lead to a debate in the House, I also get the impression that the government is trying to avoid all debate in the House. I don't think either option is beneficial in a democracy. I don't think it's healthy to put all kinds of things before the House, tying up much of its time at the expense of bills, but I don't think it's healthy to avoid all debate in the House of Commons on potentially controversial topics. I think the House of Commons is the perfect place to debate controversial topics.
I have shared all this with my opposition and governing party colleagues. I've also discussed this with the Minister of International Development. That's why I was so surprised and disappointed by this turn of events. As I said, I thought our governing party colleagues were seeking compromise.
As I've already reiterated many times elsewhere, I don't think the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development is the place for partisan games, and that's for at least two reasons. For one thing, I think that all members of this committee share the same values. For another, I think it's always best, in foreign affairs, to present a united front and speak with one voice. To illustrate that point, I want to emphasize that this committee has never, since the October 21, 2019, election, been the scene of systematic obstruction other than on the part of government members on this controversial motion. That's why I was so disappointed by this turn of events. I truly believe, and I mean this most sincerely, that this committee is not a good place for partisan games.
I wouldn't want to be accused of doing exactly what I'm criticizing my colleagues for doing, which is systematic obstruction, so I'll wrap this up, but not before I propose a subamendment to Ms. Sahota's amendment.
First, I would replace “global circumstances” with “various factors”. As I've already said, I think there are circumstances and factors that aren't under the government's control. Nevertheless, as I've also said, I think other factors are the result of this government's bad decisions. Using the words “various factors” allows for individual interpretations of the language. Are we talking about exogenous factors, which are outside government control, or endogenous factors, which are caused by the government itself? We would be expecting people to use their brains to interpret the proposed language.
In addition, rather than just strike the last sentence of the motion, I would replace it with this: “And that the Minister of International Development be invited to discuss this issue with committee members.” That way, governing party colleagues would demonstrate that they are open to debate. This would give the minister a chance to come meet with committee members and have an in-depth conversation about this problematic and controversial issue. Also, we would not place undue demands on House time that is to be spent on bills. That is something that should be a priority for us all.
I wish we could have come up with another solution, such as not meeting at the same time as the House so that this debate could have happened, but, given that our committee discussion got off to a pretty bad start, we have to find another solution.
My suggestion is that we invite the Minister of International Development to come debate with us. I'll put it out there that I've talked to the minister, and she seems willing to meet with us.
I hope this part of the subamendment won't lead to a long drawn-out debate that would prevent us from making a decision about Mr. Harris's motion, which Ms. McPherson so capably and thoughtfully argued in favour of.
Thank you, colleagues.