Mr. Oliphant, I didn't see Mr. Morantz's point as an attempt to extinguish your amendment. The amendment is verbally before the committee and is in order. I simply saw it as a way to facilitate discussion among those colleagues who want to have the text in front of them but hadn't had a chance to write it down, as you said. If there's a way to generate that, I think it would be helpful, in the spirit of the constructive vein the committee has struck this afternoon. If not, then absolutely your amendment stands.
I'm now going to attempt to assemble a speakers list based on the hands that were already raised. There is interest in discussing the point that you put forward. Dr. Fry, Mr. Fonseca, Ms. Saks, Monsieur Bergeron and Ms. McPherson are on the list as it currently stands.
Dr. Fry.