Yes, absolutely.
The $34 million that was announced today is our humanitarian assistance across Ethiopia, recognizing that there are needs outside of Tigray in addition to the significant needs inside of Tigray. Within that package, approximately $25 million is going to the United Nations and the ICRC, the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. The funding is at more of a national level, which gives partners the flexibility to prioritize the magnitude of their response based on the needs they're seeing across the country.
Each of our UN partners supports coordination, food security, refugee supports and WASH health and education services. These partners will be on the ground, as they are already in the region and are able to respond to the needs.
The other equally important piece is that we are supporting a pooled fund, which is called the Ethiopia humanitarian fund. It is managed by the UNOCHA. It allows actors on the ground to provide support to NGOs and those who are most responsive to the crisis. Money will flow through it to those who are most in need as the crisis evolves.