Thank you, Mr. Bergeron. Please don't take this to mean we are praising our own work, but you make a very valid point.
If Project Ploughshares, or any other civil society organization, with a fraction of the resources the Canadian government has, were able to put this together, surely it is a reasonable assumption that the Canadian government would be able to do this with all of it's apparatus, resources, consulates, embassies, money, etc.
One has only to look at the sequence of events here. When civil society put out this information, the media caught onto it, and then the Canadian government issued the suspension. There is a bit of a causal relationship here, and again, one must ask, would Canada still be exporting weapons to Turkey had the government not been alerted about their use? Secondly, related to this, does the government need to be alerted externally about the use of the exports it is authorizing?