Thank you, Chair, and thanks to everyone for excellent and very thought-provoking presentations.
I think we've heard from Ms. Mason about the conflict of interest. We've heard from Michael Byers about the conflict of interest, and we've heard from Mr. Waters about the conflict of interest. I think this is complex, and conflict of interest is inherent in almost everything. I wondered if you could give me some answers.
There's one question that I'd like Mr. Byers to eventually answer if he can, because I'm trying to keep my questions as short as possible so you can get an opportunity to answer. What are your suggestions for dealing with the conflict that you mentioned in your presentation?
I also wanted to ask Mr. Waters and Ms. Mason a question about conflict. We think that Turkey is an essential ally when it comes to fighting Daesh and when it comes to dealing with all of these issues, so there's that piece: Turkey is a good ally and Turkey is working with us to defeat Daesh. When we see that Turkey goes after Syria in terms of its leader, Assad, we are all happy for this, and then Turkey goes ahead and does something that we don't necessarily agree with as consistent with our values.
The big question is, how do we resolve that essential conflict? That is a big part of the conflict. Turkey is the good guy here but a bad guy there and whatever, and it is a conflict that has to be reconciled. How do we do that?
I wanted to comment on the Nagorno-Karabakh issue. I'm the Canadian head of delegation for the OSCEPA, and I can tell you that we—all of us on the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly—kind of [Technical difficulty—Editor] every meeting, it would be Armenia saying “blah” to Azerbaijan and Armenia saying “blah” to Azerbaijan. Everyone saw this as an ongoing animosity, anger and a banging of shoes on the table, etc., so no one was prepared in terms of what is called a “frozen conflict”—which really isn't a frozen conflict—for this flare-up to occur when it occurred in the summer.
I think therein lies that conundrum: How do you pay attention to some people who continue to shout at each other and threaten each other while nothing happens and then suddenly something happens?
How do you resolve these inherent conflicts in how this plays out in the region?
Mr. Byers, if you don't mind, can you tell me your recommendations for the economic versus values conflict?