Professor Waters, I have a question.
You, obviously, talked about the relationships or the goings-on in Nagorno-Karabakh, but the department seemed to be making the case that they didn't know anything was going on in Azerbaijan until September, until they read Ploughshares' piece, etc. However, in the memos being released through our request for documents, there's reference to Global Affairs owing the minister's office a response to some questions as discussed at an April 21 briefing—and this is from the minister's office. For Azerbaijan, the question is as follows:
Azerbaijan: [Redaction] Could the item be used in the Nagano Karabakh conflict? Does the company still want the product—have we confirmed that with them?
What does that indicate to you, sir—on May 22 referring back to an April 21 ministerial briefing and an unanswered question?