Thank you very much, Dr. Fry.
Colleagues, that takes us to the end of our time with our witnesses this afternoon.
On our collective behalf, I would like to thank His Excellency Ambassador Shevchenko, Colonel Siromakha and Mr. Liashenko for their time.
This was about the friendship between our countries. This was about shared values. In great part, it was also about substance. We had a very fulsome discussion over the two hours, and we're extremely grateful for your time and your testimony this afternoon.
Ambassador, I understand that before we disconnect, your team has asked for a screenshot. I would like to encourage all members who would like to be in that screenshot to come on in.
I'm assuming we have somebody, or maybe multiple people from our team, who will take that shot. Can we get a signal from them once it's done?
I'm getting a thumbs-up from the clerk.
Everybody, just hold a smile and we will do our screenshots.
Brilliant. Colleagues, thank you so much.
This takes us to the end of our session. Please be safe.
We will adjourn until our next meeting.
Again, our sincere thanks to our witnesses.
Take care.