Thank you, Mr. Oliphant.
Colleagues, that will take us to the end of our scheduled time with our witnesses this afternoon.
On behalf of committee members, I would like to thank the witnesses for their testimony, expertise, and, especially, for their participation.
Thank you very much for your testimony this afternoon. It was very beneficial to the committee. Thank you, Mr. Lulashnyk and Ms. Garner.
Colleagues, with that, I have brief points of business. We will let our witnesses disconnect at their discretion.
We have coming to us tonight or tomorrow the draft report on arms exports. We will begin consideration of that report on Tuesday. Would members agree to revert to our previous practice of having suggested amendments distributed in writing beforehand?
I think it worked quite well last time. If that's agreeable, I would suggest Monday to the clerk, if it's in one language only, or Tuesday by noon, if you have bilingual amendments. It's not a hard requirement in the sense that colleagues should be free to introduce amendments or suggestions from the floor. It just made our work easier in the COVID report, and with respect to the sessions we have on arms exports, it may be efficient to do it that way.
Is there agreement, if you have amendments, to circulate them Monday in one language and Tuesday by noon, if you have them in both? Is there any opposition to that?