It's a pleasure to see you, as well. As I was stating when we were doing our sound checks, you always bring a very positive vibe and good energy wherever you go. I enjoy that.
I want to talk a little bit about something that won't come as a surprise to you. We probably got to know each other a little bit better over the repatriation mission that your department and other departments had to contribute in undertaking.
You stated that you last appeared here on March 12. It was the day before that that the WHO declared this current pandemic a pandemic. Soon after that, I started receiving a whole bunch of texts, calls and emails. I couldn't believe the number of people who were stuck across the world who wanted to be back home with their families here.
Can you describe a little bit...? You talked about going from 10 people working in this department of repatriation to 600 people. I know that the estimates that we're looking at right now are prior to all of this having been done. Maybe you can inform us a little bit about what it took to get the tens of thousands of Canadians repatriated, which you mentioned before.
Go ahead, please, Minister.