Thank you very much, Mr. Chair, and thank you so much for the invitation to speak on this important topic.
COVID-19 has acted as a stress test for our societies. It draws into sharp contrast the weaknesses that we know are there but that might not always be visible or that at least might be only at the periphery of our vision. Nowhere are those vulnerabilities more pronounced and the consequences more severe than in fragile and conflict- or crisis-affected societies.
The pandemic has resulted in a massive and multi-faceted human rights crisis. It would, in fact, be easier to name the rights that have not been significantly affected than it would be to name those that have, so profound are the consequences. Globally, we see an enormous surge in gender-based violence, nearly a doubling of the millions of people globally suffering from acute hunger, and disturbing impacts across the entire range of civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights.
All of these impacts are further amplified in contexts of fragility, conflict, and emergencies, where social cohesion is already undermined and governmental institutions are weakened and sometimes dysfunctional. Indeed, we see that in many contexts, chronic underspending on health, water and sanitation, housing, and social protection has created immense vulnerabilities. Those gaps are all the more apparent and deep in conflict and crisis settings.
Let me focus more intensively on five areas in which the human rights consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic are particularly disturbing.
First, there is the impact of COVID-19 on already vulnerable people, as Ms. Triggs has already emphasized. Older persons, people with disabilities, migrants, and children already bear enormous and disproportionate impacts in crisis and conflict. COVID-19 has amplified those effects, acting like a cruel version of a heat-seeking device that targets those most in need already.
Second, there are the consequences of fault lines within our societies, based on race, ethnicity, or minority status. In different ways in different locations, time and time again, we see that marginalized groups are triply harmed, facing greater exposure to the virus due to their jobs and living situations, facing more severe outcomes of the disease itself, and struggling more significantly to respond to the impact of COVID-19 on their livelihoods and lives.
Third, there are devastating effects of the pandemic on women. The manifold harms women are suffering during the pandemic are being felt from the richest to the most conflict-affected countries. We have seen tens of millions of additional cases of violence, a ratcheting up of already disproportionate burdens for child-rearing and household work, a larger share of women leaving the workforce, and women at greater risk due to their prevalence in health and service jobs.
Fourth, there is the impact of a lack of access to adequate water and sanitation and adequate housing. In March, as campaigns grew across the globe telling us all to wash our hands and stay at home, the reality remained that more than two billion of the world's population are homeless or have grossly inadequate housing, and a similar number lack access to water and sanitation. Of course, those gaps are felt most particularly in conflict- and crisis-affected areas.
Fifth and finally, there are the outsized effects of the digital divide. About half of the world's population has no access to the Internet. That digital gap, which is more profound for women and older persons, has always been a significant obstacle to development. Since the pandemic, we've seen how crucial digital access can be to education and health, and the life-threatening and altering impact of lack of connectivity. We also know that in situations of tension or crisis, even more people suffer through deliberate restrictions on access to the Internet, including shutdowns.
Not only are these impacts more severe in fragile and conflict-affected countries, but they themselves serve to fuel conflict and social unrest and to create greater obstacles to stability and peace. It is a vicious circle in which violence and instability aggravate COVID-19 impacts, and inversely the pandemic feeds conflict, violence and instability.
In light of those facts, the path forward today should be clear. This is a moment when support to countries in crisis or conflict has never been more important. The impact of the economic downturn in the developed world no doubt makes that commitment more challenging, but failing to meet this challenge will certainly be the more costly choice, both in lives and in resources.
Just as the pandemic has been fuelled by gaps in social protection, health, housing and sanitation, conflicts are fuelled by failures to address the root causes of violence, insecurity and conflict, including human rights violations and inequalities. The conflicts we face, in many if not most cases, are preceded by decades of human rights violations and built-up grievances, often documented by human rights mechanisms but not sufficiently taken up by concerned states or by regional or international organizations.
We speak a great deal about early warning, but the real shortcoming has been our inability to truly invest the resources and political capital needed before situations reach a breaking point. It is not warning, but more effective early action that we need.
The pandemic has provided a road map for building greater resilience to both pandemics and conflict. We build back better by investing in human rights.
Thank you.