I would be reluctant to answer that question in many cases, but in the case of Canada, I have to say that I am delighted to answer. You really are one of the top leaders in the world. There's no question about that. We've all watched with great delight as Canada has held the line. You've understood the problem and you've stood by your understanding of the need for resettlement and for monies—that aren't always being expended in your own economy, but you've been prepared to provide funds in the COVID context internationally. That's been vitally important to UNHCR.
What more can you do? I've listed a number of things that you're doing so well for us. I won't go through them again. My reason for raising them is that you have a leadership position globally. You've stayed and delivered. You've been good to your values and you are known for that. We at UNHCR would greatly value your continued advocacy. You have a credibility on this question that very few countries have. We would like to see that developed and maintained. Continue, if you could, your advocacy on community sponsorship, on alternatives to dealing with these issues but also advocacy for investments, for dealing with the root causes that we were talking about a little earlier.
In the end, to achieve sustainable solutions, we have to have a maintenance and development nexus. We must invest, and we must deal with the root causes of, as you yourself raised quite clearly, such things as violence against women.
Thank you.