Thank you very much, Mr. Chair and members of the committee, for inviting World Vision to contribute to this important and timely study. I'm joined by my colleague Lindsay Gladding, our director for fragile and humanitarian programs.
By way of background, World Vision is a Christian relief, development and advocacy organization. We're working with children, families and communities to overcome poverty and injustice. We're working in nearly 100 countries on the basis of need, with no strings attached. We're grateful for the support of more than 650,000 Canadians and partners.
Our presentation refers to the first segment of this study focusing on the humanitarian response along with the upcoming second segment. We're very pleased to see you looking even more closely at the effects on children.
In April 2015, I was in Nepal less than 24 hours after the devastating earthquake that caused so much destruction in that country. As I travelled around the region for the next couple of weeks, seeing how the disaster had caused pain, heartbreak and need in so many places, every so often we would feel the earth move under our feet again. We experienced many aftershocks, some nearly as powerful as the initial quake. Every time it happened, I knew that more families would lose their homes, more deaths would occur, more children would be left vulnerable. Even after the main earthquake was over, the aftershocks amplified the impact.
I am telling that story because, as we think about the earthquake that is COVID-19 causing incredible hardship around the world, we know that the initial health impacts, which are so significant, are only part of the story. Vulnerable populations, especially girls and boys in some of the world’s toughest places, can expect to experience ongoing aftershocks that will continue, and secondary impacts on health, well-being, education and livelihoods that may be worse than the initial waves. In fact, as we’ve done our work and research on this, we have titled our research series “Aftershocks” for that reason.
With that story, I want to convey two key messages today. First, COVID-19 is setting back the critical progress being made for the most vulnerable girls and boys through the pandemic and its secondary impacts. Second, Canada, like other donors, can play a critical role in the response, through more agile, flexible and integrated programming and funding, and by stepping up to the increased needs with higher levels of funding for urgently needed humanitarian and development efforts.
I'll share briefly World Vision’s global response. In March, immediately after the pandemic was declared, we started the largest humanitarian response in our 70-year history, building on our long-term community presence. The $350-million U.S. response has already reached 55 million women, men, girls and boys by focusing on prevention measures, strengthening local health systems and supporting children affected by COVID-19 through education, child protection and livelihood interventions.
We worked closely with bilateral and multilateral donors, including Global Affairs Canada. For example, Global Affairs provided an additional $5 million to an ongoing consortium, a five-year health grant in Bangladesh, Kenya, Tanzania and Myanmar. Being there on the ground with the pandemic allowed us and our partners to respond quickly. Because of the additional funding, we were able to pivot and scale up rather than create new projects from the ground up. Canada certainly should be commended for supporting pivots like this, and we should do more.
A key part of our COVID-19 response has been to address the pandemic’s impact on children. We know that, over eight months into the global pandemic, evidence shows that while children may not be at the most immediate risk from the virus itself, they are experiencing indirect negative impacts. These are the aftershocks.
We’ve had a chance to hear from children themselves, and we want to make space for their voices to be heard. A recent consultation we did across 50 countries showed, for example, that violence has surged in the past year. Of those interviewed, 81% said they have seen or faced violence in their homes, communities or even online since the start of the pandemic. As we learned from the Ebola outbreaks in West Africa or the DRC, and certainly following up on what Ms. Mirza was saying, girls are particularly in jeopardy. Child and forced marriage is on the rise, as is sexual violence and unwanted pregnancy. These and other challenges aren't limiting their impact.
I will conclude with three recommendations.
First, Canadian support for programming and interventions must prioritize and address the pandemic’s indirect impacts on children. As you conclude your study, I urge you to not only address the immediate health crisis, but also consider the aftershocks.
Second, the Government of Canada can continue to lead the way by being more agile and flexible, quicker and effective in responding to a global crisis. We're dealing with the silos of a short-term humanitarian response on the one hand, and long-term development on the other, with different funding mechanisms, support and expectations that are inadequate to recognize the shift as we address changing situations. We have had to pivot and adjust on the fly, but the funding systems often don’t keep up, so we think there's work we can do to break down those bureaucratic hurdles, and it is a critical opportunity.
Third, increased needs require increased funding. While Canada has provided much-needed additional funds for COVID-19 efforts and we’ve recently heard encouraging promises, the long-term challenges we see will require even more ambition. Specifically, we urge the government to provide clarity on Canada's funding for international development by including a timetable of year-over-year increases to the international assistance envelope. It's all because we simply cannot allow the gains we’ve made together to fight extreme poverty shrink or disappear because of a lack of resources to support the most vulnerable. Canada has been a leader in standing up for the needs of the vulnerable, and we should support our ambition with increased funding that will drive global impact to fight the earthquakes like COVID-19, as well as their terrible aftershocks.
Mr. Chair, thank you for the opportunity to speak to you today.
Thank you for your attention.
We look forward to your questions.