Mr. Chair and members of the committee, thank you for the opportunity to speak today.
I will discuss the global response to the COVID-19 pandemic in conflict-affected settings and Canada’s role in that response. I will conclude with recommendations for how Canada can better exercise leadership in these challenging contexts.
The committee has heard testimony regarding the social, political and health impacts of COVID-19 in fragile settings. These impacts will reverberate for decades and be exacerbated by climate change, global economic disruption and uncertain development assistance budgets. Unless the trajectory changes, these populations will be trapped in cycles of violence and fragility, with little chance of escape.
How has the world, including Canada, reacted? It is a tale of two responses.
One tale is inspiring. Networks of local and international health and humanitarian actors, researchers and advocacy organizations have identified health needs and marginalized groups, maintained health service delivery and planned for the rollout of testing, treatments and vaccines. The pandemic strained an already stretched humanitarian system. The system is far from perfect. It often fell short, but it has limited human suffering under difficult circumstances.
In contrast, the tale of the second response, global political leadership by states, is a grim and depressing one. As the UN Secretary-General stated in September, “The pandemic is a clear test of international cooperation—a test we have essentially failed.”
One response cannot work without the other. Health services and other humanitarian actors cannot fully and effectively respond to the impacts of COVID-19 without political leadership to facilitate and remove constraints to that response.
The impact of this absence of leadership has been acutely felt in conflict-affected settings. For example, states did not mobilize to offer third party security guarantees to enable COVID ceasefires to take root and transform into peace agreements. They failed to persuade governments to protect the rights of migrants and displaced people, and they did not effectively confront opportunistic crackdowns by authoritarian regimes.
In short, global political leaders did not develop and deliver a clear and unifying message for why international co-operation is necessary and a plan for how to carry it out.
Where does Canada fit?
Canada has provided important support to the first response—the work of humanitarian and advocacy networks. The government increased its funding of these organizations to support the health response to COVID-19. It brought critical attention to the pandemic’s impact on women and girls.
But Canada’s role in the tale of the second response—political leadership—is disappointing. Canada’s rhetoric soars, but our words are not followed by concrete action. Canada sits at the table. We observe. We coordinate. We do not lead. This is a missed opportunity.
Mr. Chair, I'm aware that you worked for the UN mission in Iraq. I am sure you saw the enormous potential for “difference-makers”: the power of leadership from experienced diplomats and coordinated action among states and stakeholders and how that leadership can curve the trajectory of conflict towards peace.
At this critical juncture for conflict-affected states and the world, how can Canada contribute to such leadership?
Canada can help the world develop a unifying message, craft a clear plan to address vulnerabilities exacerbated by COVID in conflict-affected settings and mobilize the international system, as well as Canadian institutions, to implement such a plan.
First, for the unifying vision for our engagement in fragile settings and elsewhere, I would suggest a simple one that builds on our feminist approach: Protect human dignity and promote human potential.
Second, to craft a plan to implement this vision, let’s learn from what has worked in the COVID response. We can support networks of civil society organizations, researchers and other stakeholders. We can facilitate connections between these networks and like-minded states. We can explore novel mechanisms to prevent conflict, stop violence and sustain peace, and we can use these networks to promote economic opportunities in fragile contexts.
Third, we can help mobilize the international system, as well as Canadians, to implement this vision.
Internationally, we could utilize our membership across diverse institutions to promote this approach. This would complement and support the UN Secretary-General’s call for “networked multilateralism”.
Domestically, we could harness the expertise of Canadians both at home and abroad. Canadian experts are leaders in the fields of diplomacy and mediation, humanitarian and development assistance, global health and advancing gender equality, yet too often, our government fails to tap into this expertise.
How is this different from what we are currently doing? This approach extends our feminist policy. It engages with networks to develop and implement this dignity agenda. Most importantly, it would ensure that Canada's rhetoric rests upon a foundation of action.
Thank you very much. I look forward to questions from the committee.