I'll say that first we need to increase access to finance. For local producers, there's a big disconnect between the local producers and the resources they have to get their goods to market. Like I said, I'm in Nigeria today and I go to Azerbaijan tomorrow, and in both countries, it's not food shortages. It's a lack of mechanisms to get the food to where it's needed the most or to get it distributed across the country.
I think that making financing available concessionally, with acquisitional rates or market rates that are a little more affordable for this market, would be one way to do so, but just getting food to market is not going to be enough. There is an issue as well of the operating environment. I think the other witness, my colleague, mentioned this as well.
You need to strengthen this market for the rule of law and to strengthen democracy, justice and human rights. All of that needs to be strengthened. Working together, these things make a difference in these markets. I would say that one is access to financing and the other is strengthening democratic governance.