I'll start and then turn to my colleagues. I'll start with the second question with regard to trade.
I think the real name of the game at the moment in the region is the African continental free trade area, but it's kind of nascent. We need to give that some time in order to develop. There are important aspects of it, and there are countries that need to come along. That will provide promise for Canadians. I think that's the lens through which we need to look at trade: the continent-wide African continental free trade area.
I would also say that with our existing presence and the presence that we've had, there are examples of Canadian leadership. There are places where we've had a disproportionate impact. That includes, even, for example, if you look at the recent passing of the Right Honourable Brian Mulroney with Canadian interventions in South Africa, and how we played an important role.
We've invested in other countries as well and we've had a big impact. Perhaps I could turn to my colleagues to provide some concrete examples of how we have.