In terms of Canada's investments and what we've undertaken, I believe that we are having an impact through the feminist international assistance policy. Canada has really carved out a niche for itself helping women and girls, focusing on education and on women's and girls' health, and we do see results. If you look at the documents, the departmental results report and the international assistance report, you can see what some of the results are for the investments that we have made.
Canada, even in international organizations, is pushing very hard and is recognized for how it is helping to push forward the agenda of women and girls on the continent and elsewhere.
I think that this committee will be undertaking a study on engagement in Africa, and I think that's very timely. This is the time for everybody to be reflecting, because the global environment is so dynamic, and the state of how things are in development in African countries continues to be dynamic. This is the time to take another look. This is what we were doing as a department and what the Senate committee is doing as well to determine the best way.