Thank you.
I would like to sincerely thank the committee for inviting me to come and talk about co-operation with the African continent.
As I said in my speaking notes, it is clear that envisaging co-operation with Africa means agreeing to deconstruct our vision of Africa and, above all, to take Africa as it is and not as it is not or as we would like it to be. This very important. Otherwise, we have to deal with all kinds of prejudice.
The increasingly critical opinion of the west, in general, is also at play, as is an approach consistent with what can be called the opinion of the Global South.
Talking about co-operation with Africa means engaging in a strategy that is mutually beneficial, both for the northern countries and for the African countries.
There is also another very important factor. I think the previous speaker talked about it. It involves having a multilateral policy that takes into account the choices of the African continent, which are implemented as part of a global agenda, a comprehensive strategy known as Agenda 2063. It contains very clear objectives and expectations. We can come back to that.
As I said, this co-operation with Africa is rife with prejudices. We think of Africa as the continent of disasters, where there is little innovation and a lack of empowerment, a continent that always has its hand out for assistance at all levels.
As a result, little attention is paid to the expertise and wishes of African populations, even though there is very strong expertise on the continent.
Similarly, little attention is paid to the opinions and desires that are being expressed and increasingly measured, quantified, and captured through the tools offered by the Afrobarometer research network, among others. The network manages to conduct surveys in 39 countries, with a sample of 50,000 people, for example. In the case of Mali, I would say there are strategies in place to take public opinion into account.
That said, what can we focus on?
It's important to recognize that the medium and longer-term economic and social development challenges outlined by the country concerned must remain at the forefront of Canada's foreign policy. They must not be marginalized by security issues. Increasingly, the African continent is being viewed exclusively through that lens, when other policy areas, such as social policy and economic policy, also need to be considered.
Also, there's this tendency to isolate, I would say, regimes that emerge from coups d'état. They are being marginalized. Marginalizing a political system also means marginalizing populations. What these people are asking for, instead, is support with a view to effecting change in the medium term so they can keep the political space open. This is very important, because those behind the coups want to hold on to power at all costs.
Let's take the case of a country I know a little more about, Burkina Faso. In that country, there are two million internally displaced people. Very little is said about it. More than 4,500 schools have been closed.
How are people coping with safety and security problems? They're not souls; they're not waiting to be delivered. To tackle security issues, we have to adopt what we call in our jargon a bottom-up approach.
Taking a bottom-up approach means looking at how citizens perceive or experience security problems, which include armed attacks, organized crime and food insecurity.
Take Burkina Faso, for example. According to Global Terrorism Index estimates, 25% of terrorist acts worldwide in 2023 took place in Burkina Faso. That is a quarter of all terrorist acts.
There is also the work being done to consolidate the economic fabric of African countries. This also means reviewing bilateral treaties, for example. These favour private investors, through predatory agreements.
Bilateral investment treaties, for example, have direct political impacts in developing countries—when it comes to goods and services procurement, for instance. They also have long-term repercussions on the emergence of economic development policies.
Another element that provokes debates in Canada-Africa relations is the way in which Canadian mining companies conduct themselves on the continent. There is an African mining code, for example, but it is not always adhered to. Everyone knows that.
Canada has an ombud to make sure that mining companies are held accountable—