Yes, I'll say a few things.
The first is that I think we have the mechanisms in place, from a legal perspective, to provide clarity around the fact that humanitarians are afforded certain protections under international humanitarian law. I don't think that this is necessarily a new laws kind of question. It's about respect for existing protections.
Canada does speak out when there are attacks against humanitarians. That is helpful. It helps to establish a normative kind of framework and set of expectations. That's valuable, but again, I think this comes down to a question of diplomacy and ensuring that parties to conflicts are receiving clear messages of expectations from the international community through diplomatic means. Again, that's a bit outside our wheelhouse, but it is our expectation that things like international humanitarian law and the Geneva Conventions are treated as a common good and require the active promotion of the protections that are afforded to humanitarians. That's how we stay safe. That is the framework that we rely on to afford ourselves protections in very difficult circumstances.
I think that continuing to promote that through different platforms that Canada has, including as chair of the Group of Friends of Resolution 2286, which has a clear UN Security Council resolution about exactly this—protection of the medical mission in armed conflict—is something Canada needs to continue to do and to champion.