I would, first of all, say that Global Affairs is full of very good people trying very hard and I would also say that the way that the things are structured, the way that the departments are structured, really doesn't allow for a lot of cross-fertilization.
The first thing I would say is one of the things that has to be done is to really look at the structure of Global Affairs Canada. Until that's done, it's actually really hard to make these changes because people are entrenched in their own silos. I understand that in my own world as well, but that would be a key thing for me, really looking at the actual structure of the overarching organization. I think that has to be addressed before we can actually start to address some of the key issues that are causing these [Inaudible—Editor].
The second thing I would say is there's a lot of risk aversion. So as we think about the work that we're doing, there's risk involved. Things are ladled on top to avert that.
I'll pass on to my colleagues at this stage.