That's a great question.
First of all, I think it's a matter of simplifying the process. There's a grants and contributions simplification process that Global Affairs Canada is undertaking at the moment. We're encouraging that process. The number of obligations, regulations and clauses that are in the agreements that every CSO has to supply to do this work is really quite extreme. I know that everyone's aware of that, and we need to simplify the process.
Second, I think we need to be thinking about a wider context for food security. We talk about food assistance, and we talk about development. There are many places in which we're doing emergency aid that could transition into longer-term aid if we simplified the processes, particularly at Global Affairs Canada. These processes are often siloed. We do emergency assistance over here. We do long-term development over here. In many places, we could actually have a transformation from one to the other. We've proven that in our humanitarian recovery and development projects.
We need to be thinking on a wider context of how we can do development—