Yes, small and medium-sized organizations across Canada do excellent work. I have nothing against large organizations, which also do excellent work, but the work of smaller organizations is often overlooked. Many of them have partnerships dating back 10, 20, 30 or 40 years, or even longer in some cases, and they're well established in communities. Their work is generally very effective.
The global citizenship education component you mentioned is really crucial to facilitating Canadians' engagement and their understanding of international issues so they can get involved in what's happening internationally.
Quebec's ministry of international relations and la Francophonie has a budget for global citizenship education activities. If I'm not mistaken, Canada hasn't funded the work that organizations do here for a long time. Whenever we picture international co‑operation organizations, we picture them working abroad. That may indeed be the most important part of their work, but there's also a lot of work being done here to facilitate an understanding of the issues and activities that Canada is involved in abroad, particularly in international co‑operation and solidarity.