Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. It is lovely to see everyone here. This has been a really interesting conversation.
Just like Mr. Epp, I have to come clean that I have worked with Mr. Côté at the Inter-Council Network and have done some work with him in my previous life as well.
Mr. Côté, I'm going to start with you, if I could. On the value of small and medium-sized organizations that are based in communities across Canada, that engage Canadians in global citizenship and in poverty reduction efforts around the world, we know that these organizations are vitally important. I would say that in the last administration, the Harper Conservative government, the cuts to public engagement were huge and had massive impacts on Canadians' abilities to tell the story of poverty reduction around the world. The organizations that bore the brunt of this were the small and medium-sized organizations.
Can you talk about that a little bit? Why would it be beneficial for us to be able to have funding that these small organizations could access?