There are a couple of things on that. Going back to Ukraine, our way right now to put maximum pressure on the Kremlin and the Russian regime is definitely to have more sanctions and make sure that there is also more legal aid sent to Ukraine. That has been what the Ukrainian government is asking for from us and from the G7, and that's what we are really coordinating together.
Meanwhile, we know that while we're doing this, which is at the core of the unity of the west, China is watching. Our expectation toward China as a member of the UN Security Council is that it won't do anything to escalate the conflict in Ukraine. Meanwhile, I have asked my diplomats to convey that position across the board in different multilateral fora, including in China.
Also, on the question of Taiwan, the minister of trade recently launched a free trade agreement with Taiwan, which is important, because there are strong people-to-people ties with Taiwan, and we think also that we can increase our trade with Taiwan.