You understood, Minister, that we will be behind you "100 miles an hour", as we say in French, so that these sanctions are not just wishful thinking, and so they are effective and they have effects on the oligarchs, among others.
I want to come back to a question that was asked by our colleague Michael Chong about Canada's capacity to help our European allies with natural gas and gasoline supplies, apart from the technical problem involved in shipping oil from the West to the Atlantic. That opens another chapter that I won't get into here.
I just want to point out that your mandate letter directs you, with the Minister of Environment and Climate Change, to continue Canada's leadership on efforts to combat climate change. Today, your colleague at Natural Resources Canada announced that Canada was going to increase its production. We are talking about 300,000 barrels a day: 200,000 barrels of oil and 100,000 barrels of natural gas.
How do you reconcile this increase in Canada's oil and gas production with the objective you were assigned by the Prime Minister, to continue Canada's leadership on efforts to combat climate change?