I call this meeting to order.
Welcome to meeting number 111 of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development.
Before we get started, I want to explain to everyone that last week we were having many challenges with translation. We're trying to ensure, hopefully, that this is not going to be our experience here today.
Before we begin, I'd also like to ask all members and other in-person participants to consult the cards on the table for guidelines to prevent audio feedback incidents.
Use only an approved black earpiece. Keep your earpiece away from microphones at all times. When you are not using your earpiece, place it face down on the sticker placed on the table for this purpose.
Thank you all for your co-operation.
Today's meeting is taking place in a hybrid format.
I'd like to take a few minutes for the benefit of members and witnesses. Before speaking, please wait until I recognize you by name. You may speak in the official language of your choice. Interpretation services are available. You have the choice of floor, English or French. If the interpretation is lost, please inform us immediately.
In accordance with the committee's routine motion concerning connection tests for witnesses, I can assure you all that the clerk has kindly looked into that and she's run all of the tests in advance.
Pursuant to Standing Order 108(2) and the motion adopted by the committee on Thursday, February 16, 2023, the committee will commence its study of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and the current human rights situation in Iran.
Now I'd like to welcome our two distinguished witnesses. We're very grateful to have you both here. You have many years of advocacy under your belts, but I recognize full well that you have been very busy over the course of the past two years.
I'd like to welcome Ms. Nazanin Afshin-Jam, who is a human rights and democracy advocate appearing on behalf of the Iranian Justice Collective. As well, we have Mr. Saeid Dehghan, who is a human rights lawyer and director of Parsi Law collective.
You will each be provided five minutes for your opening remarks, after which we will open it up to questions from the members.
Once again, you get five minutes for opening remarks, and then you have to make sure you wrap it up if it's running over. If you see me holding this cellphone up, it means you really should be wrapping up within 10 to 15 seconds.
With all of that having been explained, we'll start off with Ms. Afshin-Jam.
The floor is yours. You have five minutes for your opening remarks.