I'll just repeat basically what Mr. Dehghan was saying.
Inside Iran, as I said, there is no rule of law. There are no proper courts. When they're doing this, they're making an example.
Basically, Narges Mohammadi, for those of you who are not aware, is the Nobel Peace Prize laureate.
Oftentimes these trials are kangaroo courts, so they're not proper trials. The victim is normally not given proper legal representation, and if they're going to allow this publicly, it's going to be just a trick to try to show the international community that there's some semblance of order.
However, let's not forget that oftentimes victims are forced into confessions. They're tortured behind the scenes or they're told that their family members will be raped or killed if they testify, so it is all a circus act. I hope it is public just so that the international community can see for themselves, but it's not to be trusted, ever.