Thank you very much, Chair.
I heard some very eloquent speeches this morning—I refer to Mr. McPherson, Mr. Bergeron and Mr. Alghabra. We talked a lot about history around this table as we debated the motion.
I recall that, historically, and I know that, when I was a minister in this government—and for those of you around the table who say you are Conservatives, I recall Prime Minister Brian Mulroney—Canada was a player on the world stage, and it was not because we had a lot of arms and massive armies. It was not because of anything other than the power of our convictions, our sense of fairness and our ability to find answers to complex solutions and to go about making that happen. When Brian Mulroney helped to create the end of apartheid in South Africa, he went against the G7 nations, the United Kingdom and so many people. However, he spoke out because Canada, whether it be under a Progressive Conservative government or a Liberal government, had always been recognized for its ability to speak truth, to find solutions and to get to peace.
This is our seminal role in the world: to be a peaceful and peace-loving nation, a nation that seeks to find peace. You cannot find peace unless you have a two-state solution. There can be no permanent path to peace other than that. Everyone around the table agrees with this.
I want to talk about an old aphorism: Evil exists where good people do nothing. I substitute the word “people” for “men” in this gender-sensitive age. One has to move forward. We heard a lot of talk about democracies here. Canada is a democracy—a true democracy. A democracy includes the voice of civil society. If we're going to ask for a study to occur, we are engaging civil society in Canada by asking their opinions and by debating an issue that very few people even understand—the historical background for it, the problems and the course that it can lead to—so I think this is a very democratic thing to do. This is what standing committees are supposed to do.
People say, “If the Government of Canada wants to do it, they can go ahead and do it.” I think that is very true, but at the same time, while this is happening and everyone is sitting on their hands, more and more civilians are being killed, children especially, in Gaza. We stand up and scream when this happens in Russia, and we stand up and shout loudly about what's going on with Ukrainians, but we have to believe that all human beings are equal. All human beings, all children, all families can hurt in the same way, so we either believe in the rule of law that says.... There's a law around conflicts with regard to civilians: We either agree with that or we don't. We do agree, and we've always agreed and stood for that.
This is saying that we're really trying to find out how to get to that two-state solution that would lead to lasting peace. We're doing it in the face of the fact that.... We just heard Norway last night—and I must tell you, I watched the Prime Minister of Norway speak, and I was moved. He talked about principles, about fairness, about standing up and speaking out. This is what Canada is renowned for—not for having the largest number of forces in NATO nor the biggest number of armies but to always.... I remember when North Korea was having its problems. Who did they send? They sent a Canadian diplomat. We've seen it in Northern Ireland. Who did they send? They sent a Canadian general. We've always been out there whenever we're looking for solutions to conflict. This is our history, our legacy and who we are as Canadians.
We are now going to the people and to civil society writ large, whether they be academics, experts or whoever, and saying, “Look, we all know this is what we say we agree with. Everyone around this table agrees with a two-state solution, so now we want to know”.... However, there's a problem getting there. Mr. Netanyahu has said that he does not and will never recognize the state of Palestine.
Where do you go from there? There's going to be no negotiated settlement. If we have to push that envelope—like Mr. Mulroney did in South Africa when he pushed the South African government of the day to decide what was going to happen with apartheid and to back down—we are going to be following the Canadian tradition by doing that. I think this is an important motion.
As Mr. Alghabra said, nobody knows what the outcome will be. We may hear from a lot of experts in civil society that we should not have a two-state solution. We could hear from them that we should wait and let things take their course.
Do all of you remember that, in the Second World War, Britain sat by and let Germany say that it only wanted to march into southern Czechoslovakia? Of course, then World War II happened. We don't want a regional war right now. There's a risk of a regional war in the Middle East.
This summer.... I haven't spoken. I'm just speaking this bit right now, so don't everyone stare at me as if you want me to shut up because I'm not going to. I have the floor.
This summer, I was in Bucharest for the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe. At that meeting, some of the 57 states represented were Mediterranean states. The Mediterranean states were very concerned about the fact that Mr. Netanyahu had said that he was going to go into Lebanon, which is in itself a sovereign nation. They were concerned that this would be the start of a regional war of which they would be a part. They would be hurt and they would be harmed.
They spoke out very clearly about this issue of a two-state solution. These were parliamentarians from 57 nations. They spoke out about ending what is going on. They said that Putin is a monster, doing things like taking children, kidnapping them, killing civilians and raping children, and that they were not talking about other countries and they don't apply that same principle to other countries.
I'm not blaming anybody. Israel has a right to defend itself. It was absolutely awful what happened in October, but the Israeli people want an end to this. They're walking in the streets by the tens and hundreds of thousands, saying that they want this to end. They want a ceasefire. They want the hostages back, and they want peace.
How many generations of Israeli and Palestinian children have grown up not knowing what it is to have hope for what we are talking about here? It's a house, a safe place to call home, health care and the ability to go to school and realize their potential. None of these people, over the course of generations, have ever had that hope. They have always had the dream, which is now no longer a dream. It is a lack of hope. It has died. There's no dream there.
This is what we stand for as Canadians. Let us engage our civil society in this study. Let us listen to what they have to tell us. Let us go ahead and make the decisions, even if it means we have to tell our government that this is what we want to do, that we heard from civil society and this is what the people want you to do. Let us do that.
What are we afraid of? Are we afraid of what the people will tell us? Are we afraid of our people—our civilians?
Thank you very much.