Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
Many people are obviously suffering in the Middle East right now, and it's also being felt in our communities. We have a duty to be the voice of our communities and the people we represent. We are the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development, and our role is to move issues forward to shed light on the situation and perhaps pave the way for sustainable peace solutions.
Until we understand that peace in the Middle East will require a solution that brings together two states living side by side with mutual respect and respect for human rights, there will be no lasting peace in the Middle East. If there is no lasting peace in the Middle East, there will be no lasting peace in the world. That's why it's important. Canada is not in a bubble. Obviously, we see how the suffering of the Israelis and the Palestinians is affecting us here every day.
The committee not only has an opportunity to promote dialogue and put forward solutions to achieve lasting peace; it also has a responsibility. We need to ask ourselves how Canada can lead the way and offer solutions. In fact, the committee will be meeting and welcoming witnesses to try to see how Canada can be an ally to the international community in promoting sustainable peace in the Middle East and around the world. Canada has played a key role in that respect in several global conflicts. I don't see why it would be any different today. We have a credible voice, a voice that is central to our identity as Canadians, and we need to promote peace in the world.
This is not only a great opportunity to adopt the motion introduced by my colleague Mr. Alghabra. It's also a committee responsibility. I look forward to seeing if there's a light at the end of this long, dark tunnel.
Thank you, Mr. Chair.