You've identified a couple of the top priorities of the Government of Ukraine that are immediate and urgent, although some of them remain in the military domain.
Even at a ministerial conference a week ago in New York among G7 countries and Ukraine, the topic was energy. The number one thing that Ukraine was requesting was not generators or rebuilding the grid, but air defence, because, obviously, if you prevent attacks on the electric grid, you don't have to repair it as much afterward.
There are a number of countries that have the equipment to support this. We have provided money, but I don't have the exact details of the amounts and which organizations it has gone to, but I know that some of it has already been flowing and has been used to demine, particularly in the areas where rebuilding the electric grid is absolutely required.
Other than that, the biggest request for support has been in macroeconomic support, which I addressed earlier. The Government of Ukraine, which is already spending so much on reconstruction and on waging its war, still needs to keep its basic functions.
Last—and I'll just finish on this, Mr. Chair—it's inviting the private sector to invest. The last assessment was last March, and the assessment of the damage and the reconstruction needs was already at $486 billion, and that was six months ago. No government in the world can fund this kind of reconstruction. It's going to have to come through investment by the private sector.