Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
Let me open by saying that I'm Jewish. My wife is the child of Holocaust survivors. I have a sister, nieces and nephews who live in Israel within kilometres of the Lebanese border and daily fire from Hezbollah rockets. For me, Israel's existence and security are fundamental.
That's precisely why everything I'm going to say is premised on my strongly held belief that “two states for two peoples” is the only solution that can end the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians, and ultimately bring security and safety to both. The greatest threat to Israel is from within, and it will never be secure as long as it continues to occupy the Palestinian people in the West Bank and Gaza.
Indeed, two states and the illegality of Israeli settlements—which are among the greatest obstacles to two states—have been central to the foreign policies of Canada and its western allies for decades. Unfortunately, our governments have done little to nothing to prevent settlement expansion or advance the goal of two states. As I understand it, however, one of the main objectives of the committee today is to discuss recognition of a Palestinian state.
First, let me say that recognition of a Palestinian state is not about peace in the region today or even tomorrow. Few people in Israel or Palestine can focus on two states right now. Israelis are still experiencing a collective national trauma over the events of October 7 and remain focused on their hostages, soldiers, evacuees and highly unpopular government. Palestinians are suffering their greatest tragedy since the Nakba in Gaza, and violence and fear pervade the West Bank.
Recognizing a Palestinian state now is about sending a message of hope and commitment to Palestinians and sending a clear message to Israel and others that simply managing the conflict—Israel's policy for the last 17 years—is not an option and never was. If October 7 has taught us one thing, it's that continuing to occupy Palestine and Palestinians without creating a pathway to end the conflict can only end badly for both peoples.
Why do I support early recognition of a Palestinian state?
I believe the Palestinian people desperately need a horizon for peace and a clear path forward if the Palestinian Authority is to revitalize itself and begin to fully govern as a state.
Moreover, recognizing a Palestinian state now would confirm that Palestinians are a legitimate national people deserving of the same rights and responsibilities as Jewish Israelis. It would demonstrate to Palestinians that the international community's words regarding two states, settlement expansion and violence are being translated into action and commitment. Such recognition doesn't obviate the need for new governments in Israel and Palestine. It still requires a willingness to compromise on both sides. It doesn't mean the final status issues to be resolved between Israel and Palestine have been resolved, but it sends a clear message that this is where Canada and the international community are committed to going, and that Israelis and Palestinians must move in that direction too.
Third, it would give hope to a people who—following 57 years of occupation, the current death and destruction in Gaza and the continuing violence in the West Bank—desperately need a signal that the international community does not consider all Gazans to be “Hamasniks” and does not consider all Palestinians to be supporters of violence. Hope and a path forward to end the conflict can do much to reduce violence and offer the next generation of Palestinians and Israelis an alternative future.
Fourth, it sends a signal that Israel does not have a veto over the future of the Palestinian people.
Should Israel have a say in the future of the region? Of course it should. Does it have the right to peace and security in this dangerous and unforgiving region? Absolutely. Will negotiations over the final status issues be difficult? Undoubtedly, but the Palestinians are not schoolchildren who must do all their homework, change leadership, end corruption, hold elections and agree to final borders before Israelis are prepared to even begin talking peace.
Who challenges Israel when its prime minister holds up a map at the United Nations that pictures Israel stretching from the Mediterranean to the Jordan? Who conditions support for Israel when its government's coalition agreement provides for the annexation of the West Bank or when its ministers and MKs advocate resettling Gaza?
As was just mentioned, 146 of 193 UN member states already recognize a Palestinian state, including 14 EU members. Others, including Belgium, are considering it. Canada has consulted with Australia and New Zealand, who are also considering the question. The U.S. and the U.K. have asked for recommendations. Clearly, the train is leaving the station. In my view, Canada and its closest allies, all of whom support two states—even more now, post-October 7, than before—should all get on board that train.
Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I'm happy to take your questions on this issue and on the issue of two states more generally.