I call this meeting to order.
Welcome to meeting number 130 of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development.
Today's meeting is taking place in a hybrid format. All witnesses have completed the required connection tests in advance of our meeting.
I'd like to remind both members and our witnesses to please wait until I recognize you by name before you speak.
Pursuant to the order of reference of Wednesday, June 5, 2024, the committee is resuming consideration of Bill C-353, the foreign hostage takers accountability act.
It gives me great pleasure to welcome the witnesses we have with us.
First, we have, as individuals, former ambassador Robert Fowler and former ambassador Sabine Nölke.
We also have, from Hostage International, the chief executive officer, Lara Symons, who is joining us virtually. We have the co-founder and president of Human Rights Action Group, Sarah Teich. From the International Civil Liberties Monitoring Group, we have the national coordinator, Mr. Tim McSorley. Last but certainly not least, from Secure Canada, we have the chief executive officer, Ms. Sheryl Saperia, and the director, Mr. Haras Rafiq.
Each of you will be provided five minutes for your opening remarks, after which we will go to the next witness. I would ask that everyone look over at me every once in a while. When you see me hold up my phone, that means things need to be wrapped up in about 20 seconds or so. That doesn't apply only to your opening remarks. It also applies when members are asking you questions, because each member is allotted a specific time.
All of that explained, we will start off with former ambassador Fowler.
The floor is yours. You have five minutes.