Thank you, Mr. Chair.
During the suspension, I was reading pages 1159 and 1160 in the book. It's the chapter concerning a recommendation not to proceed further with the bill. I want to bring to the attention of the committee that it says that if the committee reports on the motion in relation to Standing Order 97.1:
It may happen that the committee presents its report prior to the expiry of the 60-sitting-day limit,
—and this is the case—
but the House does not make a final decision on the committee's recommendation until after this deadline has passed.
It says further that:
Since the committee has met the requirement of the Standing Order by presenting a report, the bill is not deemed reported back to the House. Instead, the bill remains with the committee until the House comes to a final decision on the committee's recommendation that the bill not proceed further.
I wanted to bring that to the committee for consideration.