I would prefer the option under Standing Order 97.1 because I actually think that committee work is important. I think that if we allow it just to go either unreported, as deemed reported or without a clear statement from this committee, we're not valuing the committee work.
I think that we have the advantage of having had a number of meetings with many witnesses who told us things. I think that the House would like to hear from us, not just as individuals speaking in the House but because I think it values our work.
As such, I will now move this motion. I know I'm jumping the queue, but I believe it's in order for me to move this motion:
That the committee, pursuant to Standing Order 97.1, recommend that the House of Commons do not proceed further with Bill C-353, an act to provide for the imposition of restrictive measures against foreign hostage takers and those who practice arbitrary detention in state-to-state relations and to make related amendments to the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act and the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, because the overwhelming majority of witnesses appearing before the committee have raised serious concerns with this legislation, have indicated that it is not necessary at this time and that it may have unintended consequences. This does not negate the objectives of this bill, and the committee draws the concerns the bill is attempting to address to the attention of the government;
That the chair present the report to the House.