First of all, I think Lily was particularly talking about these low-coverage countries. There are many developing countries that actually have done pretty well in increasing their coverage and getting to high coverage levels, but there certainly are countries with weak health systems.
Fifteen of the 18 countries that haven't gotten to 10% yet are fragile countries. In those circumstances, there haven't been adequate investments, and there are usually not adequate finances to do that. Of course, immunization is the most widely distributed of all health interventions, and as Lily suggested in her testimony, we've been working on building a sustained and resilient health system in all countries, but of course in countries that have fragility or that have problems or warfare, it is very difficult to do that.
Financing is part of the solution, but good governance and the ability to access all populations will also be critical. These are things that we're working with, not just with the partners that we've talked about here, but with humanitarian partners, civil society and others to try to make sure we can enhance those systems.