I'm not going to take up very much time. I'm not interested in filibustering this committee, but I want to say a few things that are very important that I want on the record.
This motion that came forward from Dr. Fry is not time-bound. We can study this in the fall. We don't have to do it right now. We have the opportunity to look at this. This committee has very clearly used this way of bringing forward studies. In fact, it was my study in December on Ukraine that I brought forward to this committee that started the study on Ukraine. Ms. Bendayan brought forward a study on Ukraine to make sure we were looking at this.
Nobody in this room thinks a study on Ukraine is not vital, which is why we have been undertaking it. If you look around this room at the number of people who are celebrating Ukrainian culture and Ukrainian history and honouring Ukrainians today, it is very apparent, so nobody is saying that.
In fact, what we could do is vote, in probably less than one minute, on this motion that is before us to look at this issue going forward, to look at reproductive health for women around the world, something that is vitally important. The member for Sherwood Park—Fort Saskatchewan seems to think it's a ploy. The member for Halton Hills seems to think that trade is more important and that it is not important, but I have to say that, realistically, on the attacks on women's reproductive rights in the United States, the Supreme Court leak is one aspect of it. There are multiple states where women's rights are being undermined; there are multiple places around the world, including Ukraine. There are problems with reproductive access in this country, for people in this country. People sitting at this table have constituents who have no access to reproductive health. It is a vitally important issue.
It is offensive to me as a mother of a 17-year-old daughter. I want to make sure I do everything I can to fight for her to always have access to the full range of reproductive services. How could I come to this place and fight for the reproductive rights of my daughter without fighting for the reproductive rights of every 17-year-old girl in this world? How could I do that? My daughter has a right to get an abortion if she needs one. Everyone's daughter decides how they choose to use their body and how they choose to act, because you know what? Do you know what we call an animal that doesn't have control over their reproduction? Livestock. We call them livestock.
The member for Sherwood Park—Fort Saskatchewan did one other thing the other day that deeply disturbed me. I would urge him to ask himself whether or not it would be worthy for him to apologize. He mocked gender identity. He chose a political opportunity to mock people who do not identify in cisnormative ways according to his description.