I think we can all agree at this point in time, coming out of COVID-19, that this is not a situation we want to be in. Realistically, the quicker Canada can make that pledge of 30% more than the 2020–22 pledge, it would be really really extremely helpful to the organization and to saving the lives of countless people around the world.
I have a concern, as somebody who has worked in international development for some time. We have heard that the countries will be allowed to use their vaccines as part of the calculation for official development assistance. This would mean that there could be less money within that pot for actual development work going forward. Knowing where we are and knowing the gains we've lost over the past two to three years, it would be devastating for development around the world, particularly with the food shortages we're seeing out of Ukraine and many other contributing factors.
Can you talk a bit about what that would look like if ODA was reduced because vaccines were included in the calculation?