Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Thank you, Ms. Michaud.
I think the link, if I can, to what I was saying is in the words “after the completion of the committee's studies on” and then the motion goes on to say, “Ukraine, Vaccine Equity and Taiwan” and be replaced with “the committee makes a decision on the studies before it”.
In order to make and give guidance to the committee and the subcommittee, in order to participate in this debate about whether or not to support the subamendment to this amendment, I think it's important for us to talk about why it is important to complete the studies, which is what is being proposed to be removed from this motion. The member's removal of the word “completion” I don't think is a small change. I don't think it's a modest change, and I don't think it's a grammatical change. It's a major change to the intent of the amendment.
The amendment said that Dr. Fry's motion that's before us should not be done until after the completion of the studies on Ukraine, vaccine equity and Taiwan. It is a major change to say “the committee make a decision on”.
As I was saying, I don't know why the committee needs to make a decision on these studies. It already made a decision on these studies, and that decision was made quite some time ago to do these three studies. That's why we're in the middle of them. It's highly unusual, in my view, for a committee in the middle of studying three studies to say that, all of a sudden, now we're not going to complete those three studies and that what we're going to do is a fourth study.
I know we can all walk and chew gum at the same time—I get that—but having four studies ongoing just prolongs the committee's actually finishing any of its work. Three studies at one time is actually quite a lot for a committee to have ongoing, particularly on issues as important as the war in Ukraine and what we see going on with Taiwan and the potential for China to look at the precedent of what is going on with Russia and Ukraine.
Vaccine equity is a very valuable study. We're all very conscious and want to make sure that parts of the world that have not had the same access to COVID vaccines can prevent further death and long-term health problems as we have done in Canada with well over 80% of our population vaccinated. These are important studies to finish in order to provide valuable input to the government for their public policy decision-making.
I think what Ms. Michaud was probably referring to was some of Mr. Genuis's comments around the differences in the definitions of the words “undertaken” and “prescribing”. I found that actually fascinating because they do have different meanings. Words have meaning in this place. Every single word means something specific and is changed for a reason; otherwise, the change wouldn't be proposed in this subamendment.
As part of the relevance and of understanding why it is I believe these studies should be completed before we move on to other studies—the other 14, or if Dr. Fry's motion goes through 15, studies that presumably the committee will look at in the fall—if there is urgency related to women's health issues with what's going on in Ukraine, then that can be managed and discussed in the Ukraine study. I would encourage the committee to make that part of their study because obviously that's the most critical part of what is happening globally right now in terms of that issue.
I think the relevance, for those who are watching, is that there are multi-faceted approaches by western countries, particularly Canada, dealing with these issues, and in particular, dealing with the issue of this illegal war.
We have 1.4 million Ukrainians in Canada, and they want to hear and see the witnesses on this. They want to see Ukrainian officials come before this committee and publicly be able to bring us up to date. They want to understand whether or not the actions of this government on Ukraine and its sanctions are actually having any impact whatsoever in terms of bringing the Russian public and the powerful people in Russia to account for this terrible injustice they are doing. They'd like to hear from witnesses, I suppose, about what the end game is and what the alternative in going forward is.
There has alway been a lot of discussion about the restraint that Canada and the western countries must have about Ukraine because of Russia's nuclear weapons. I don't believe that there has been a real discussion or debate on that. That's certainly something that's appropriate for this committee in its priorities of trying to deal with whether or not the Ukraine study should be completed or whether or not it should just be one of another ongoing series of subjects—a fourth, a fifth, or why not add a sixth?
There are a lot of good things to study on the committee's docket. I spoke previously about Haiti. I understand that's a potential area. There are always ongoing issues in Haiti. There are a lot of other things around the world that this committee could be doing. Why not have a sixth, a seventh and an eighth committee study going on at the same time? Let's hold a meeting on each of those once every month or two months and take a year to go through the eight of them.
Meanwhile, thousands of people are dying in Ukraine and this government is not taking a global leadership role, as we have in the past. This country has in the past taken on global roles in trying to force the globe—even close friends like the United States and Great Britain—on the issue of sanctions on apartheid. I explained to members two meetings ago the role we had in leading the world on the sanctions on Haiti when I was in foreign affairs.
I seem obsessed, I know, on the issue of sanctions, but outside of military action, this is one of the most important tools we have in dealing with Ukraine and Russia in particular. My belief is that those sanctions need to be much broader than just what happened to 344 individuals in a country with a population of 144 million. I would suggest that's a vital part of looking at and understanding whether or not we are doing our part.
By the way, on the weekend, in my part of the world in Atlantic Canada, in an online news provider called the The Macdonald Notebook, there was an interesting interview with former prime minister Brian Mulroney about the status of things in the Ukraine. Of course, remembering that he is close friends with Mikhail Gorbachev and stays very well informed on all the international issues of the day, he was asked the question of whether or not the west should actually pursue military action.
He gave an answer that I think would probably surprise most committee members. He did not take the common view that the west has expressed on military action. Basically, the west has telegraphed that there is a limit to what we are willing to do. There is a limit there because of the nuclear arsenal of Russia and fear over the escalation of this war if NATO, or our partners, or a even a coalition of the willing, you might say—as was done in the first Gulf War, when it was called the “coalition of the willing”—went in and did an action to try to support our friends in the Ukraine.
Former prime minister Mulroney said that he believed that NATO and the western countries actually should be providing military assistance with troops on the ground and help for Ukraine. Being pushed back on that question, “what about the nuclear arsenal?”, he said that, no matter what Putin has done, he understands what the consequences of his engaging in a nuclear situation would be and that the consequences would be ruinous for.... I almost said the Soviet Union. It's hard to break old habits, but Putin is acting as if he is the head of the Soviet Union and wants to reassemble it. He said there would be consequences.
Mulroney doesn't believe that the issue of the nuclear arsenal should constrain the west. If you start taking's an area that this committee should take a look at. Should this committee be having a serious look at the issue of whether or not the nuclear threat in the war in Ukraine is a real threat? Have we just given away the store on this? Have we given away the store in terms of our telegraphing to the Russian regime that we will provide food aid and we will provide a certain amount of armaments, but we're not really willing to get into the fight to help protect Ukraine?
To me, that's an important distinction between a decision on a study that's already ongoing, which is kind of confusing to me when the original amendment says “completion” of the study. I don't know why you need to make a decision, as I've said before, on the studies before it, if that decision isn't to stop the study that we're already doing. What decision has to be made on the current studies that are ongoing, other than to continue them? One would think that's what we have to do.
In speaking to the subamendment, I'm speaking to the fact that, in order to get to completion, we have a lot of areas that this Ukraine study needs to look at, whether it's sanctions or whether it's food insecurity. Other members talked in the last meeting about the issue of food insecurity. Two weeks ago, I believe, the UN said that this has the potential this summer to have up to 47 million people starving immediately as a result of the cut-off of Ukrainian grain to the world. I suspect that number is going to grow quite a bit more, so I would think that the committee would want to complete the study in order to look at those issues, rather than delay and add a fourth, a fifth or a sixth study to its agenda.
As I've said, I believe that on those issues, which the committee will determine as the master of its own destiny, as every committee is, the committee can take a look at those studies and determine in the fall, once Ukraine, Taiwan and vaccine efficacy.... I suspect that all of that, if done properly, is going to take a lot of the agenda in the fall. I know that the committee has probably put forward a limited number of meetings, but as often happens in committees, once you get into a subject matter and you see the number of witnesses from the public who want to appear on that subject matter, quite often committees will change midway, not to go to another issue or to add another study, but to change and to add more meetings to the agenda because of the public interest, and also because when you start opening up an issue, it opens up more and more issues for the committee to study on that particular subject.
Quite often, I've found that committees will actually extend the number of meetings it has partway through a decision. I can't imagine that on Ukraine, given some of the things I have said, we wouldn't be finding that there would need to be a number of meetings held on the issue of sanctions, that there would need to be a number of meetings on food security and that there would have to be and should be a number of meetings held on the issue of whether or not we have been too dismissive of the issue of providing troop support on the ground to our allies in Ukraine on this illegal war.
That's just on the one issue. On vaccine equity, obviously, there are a great many witnesses who will want to hear about and talk about the production of those vaccines: where they're being produced, their efficacy throughout the world, their access throughout the world and what's happening. In Canada, during the height of the pandemic, we actually took some of the vaccines that were set aside for poorer countries. We actually took them for ourselves.
Yes, we did replenish them later, but obviously if we're studying vaccine efficacy and access and equity throughout the world, one of the first things I would want to do would be to have some hearings on what led Canada to being in a position of having to take vaccines from poorer countries for ourselves. What decisions did this government make leading up to our taking that extreme case?
Some of us know. We can assume it had to do with the deal that the government initially did with China to bring a Chinese vaccine to Canada as opposed to one produced by the pharmaceutical companies. I think that obviously, if you're going to talk about vaccine equity, you're going to want to hear witnesses about what led to that. What happened on that? That's going to take some time.
There's the complexity of the “one China” strategy around the world, how it's evolved on Taiwan, the impact of Russia in Ukraine on Taiwan and the change in the leadership in China, which has led to a more aggressive and less democratic approach to foreign affairs by the Chinese government. Of course, what we're seeing in Hong Kong is a prime example, if you're not careful and vigilant, of what can happen. There's essentially a faux democracy, and everything is run by Beijing. China has never given up its rights, its assumed rights or its claim on rights, in the negotiations and in the global world order, to Taiwan. That's an important study, and an important study that shouldn't be stopped, as this motion or subamendment seems to imply. When you take the word “completion” out, you're implying that it's going to stop and that we're going to go on to something else.
I would urge members of the committee and the subcommittee, which will look at this agenda along with the 14 other.... I know I'm not allowed, Mr. Chair, to reference the details of what the committee has before it in future studies. I believe that document is not a public document and those motions aren't there, but I do know there are a lot of good and legitimate areas that need some urgent consideration too. The purpose of this debate here is to debate whether or not we should, essentially, in my view, when I read it, suspend these existing studies and do other things. I don't know why.
I know a lot of people will view the motion by Dr. Fry as being vitally important, but the most important parts of that can be dealt with within the existing studies that are ongoing, in terms of the use of certain tactics in war that are harmful and disgusting and that should be condemned by all. That's part of the Ukraine study. I don't know why we would want to suspend the study to go and basically do that study, to bring in another study to look at an area that, actually, the committee can already look at in its existing study.
I would consider that the subcommittee needs to understand that the priorities there need to be driven by the priorities of what's going on in the world. Everything that's going on in the world, and whoever it's happening to, can seem like the most vital and important thing going on. That's understandable. When we see democracy at threat or we see human rights at threat in many of the countries around the world, understandably, we want to help.
We're Canadians. We always want to help everywhere there's an issue. That's our great reputation. We actually go out and do more than speak nice words to organizations. We try to lead those organizations to a better conclusion to help people, whether that's in terms of the sovereignty of a democracy or whether that's in terms of individual human rights. Those are clearly the most important things in terms of the subcommittee's decisions and whether or not these studies need to be completed.
I mean, there are war crimes going on in Ukraine, and I think that studying those war crimes and giving the government advice from this committee needs to be part of that study as well. I don't know how that could get done in two more meetings.
There is an anti-western xenophobia that's been created in Russia through this that's going to take us a long time to get over in our relationship with Russia, which sometimes can be a confusing country to us in Canada. I remember the 1972 Canada-Russia hockey series. I was a very young guy. To this day, Russia still claims that they won that series. Do you know why they think they won it even though we won five games? They believe they won it because they scored more goals. You can always make something sound like a win even though ultimately the game of hockey is decided at the end of the third period or in overtime by goals.
We're up against a country whose population believes that this is a just war. We do know, though, that as progressive sanctions have happened over the last number of years in Russia on a number of things, the GDP per capita in Russia has declined as a result of those. These are just playing-at-the-edges sanctions. They're not dealing directly with the main issue. My understanding is that the GDP per capita in Russia in about 2013 was about $16,000 U.S., and now it's down by about 40% to $10,000 GDP annual income for every Russian.
Clearly, what the west has been doing, through a series of issues that started with the illegal invasion of the Donbass region during the Harper government, when Prime Minister Harper sent very clear messages to Vladimir Putin about how he had to get out or there would be consequences, the consequences of that began with the Harper government imposing these sanctions that have impacted the economy in Russia. To give the government credit, they've brought in a lot of very good sanctions as part of this targeting of the oligarchs there, which is important. Although they obviously have the capacity to move their money, targeting very precise industries, which the government has done, all necessary technology industries, defence industries...these are all necessary.
I know that I got pushed back a bit by government members a meeting or two ago, but as you know, Tip O'Neill said that “all politics is local”. The leaky sanctions that I speak of are the sanctions around the issue of snow crab. We are not trading snow crab with Russia because that's part of what we do as Canadians. As a result of that, most of our snow crabs are sold to Japan anyway. We were doing pretty well, but Japan has now broken all those contracts and is buying all its snow crab from Russia, providing the Putin war machine with direct cash. Here's a G7 partner that has filled in our sanctions where we left out....
I wouldn't exactly call snow crab, with all due deference to the fishermen who fish snow crab in Newfoundland, an essential food, and those things.... Food is exempted from the sanctions, and I understand that, but luxury foods such as that, or higher-priced foods, to me are things that this committee should study. Why is it that the sanctions we've imposed on food say that you can trade any food you want with Russia even though they've had an illegal invasion of Ukraine? Why isn't this committee looking into that as part of the food security issue and the effectiveness of our sanctions?
I suspect there are things that we and other western countries are trading, even in food, that members of this committee wouldn't consider essential. I don't know the last time members around this table ate snow crab. I hope they're eating a lot of lobster because that's the number one industry in my riding and we know that lobster is not being shipped to Russia, as far as I know. Why is it that the committee is unwilling to take a look at those issues and add a fourth, fifth or sixth study?
Why don't we create another study? I could easily move a motion suggesting we do a separate study on sanctions in Ukraine, and we could have a great debate on that over the next little while, about whether or not that's a subset of the existing study or whether it's an entirely new study, much in the same way Dr. Fry's motion—at least part of it—can be dealt with in the existing study if the committee chooses to do so.
I would ask that the committee continue to move and look at completing the study on Ukraine. What's happening in Ukraine, as we know, as I've said, is changing weekly, almost daily. I would ask that the committee continue to make that the priority when considering its future agenda. The implications of that on what happens in Taiwan are important, and I would also venture to say that the committee and the subcommittee on the agenda should consider all of the issues that are on its work plan. Dr. Fry has given her notice of motion. It can be considered as a notice of motion in the work plan without having to actually have a vote here, and the subcommittee can take a look at that with all the other elements that are on the agenda for potential study.
I still haven't heard an argument from government members or from the members of their coalition partner, the NDP, or from my friends in the Bloc as to why it is that the normal committee process of, once a notice of motion is done, it can be something the subcommittee on agenda considers, at any given time, is not just being considered and why there is a need for the government to push this through. It speaks to what I think are perhaps priorities that aren't in line with what most Canadians think are the issues of the day the foreign policy the committee should be spending its time on and hearing witnesses on.
I would offer up that perhaps there are other motivations behind this motion that only the government can answer to, as to why they want to all of a sudden study this issue, rather than the war in Ukraine and provide the government with the advice of all kinds of analysts, of all kinds of academics, of all kinds of Ukrainians who are experiencing this issue directly themselves, of the business community as to whether or not it believes the sanctions are effective, of the banking community as to how those sanctions could be made less leaky, and of the industries that are impacted and whether or not they can find other markets and whether or not, frankly, they feel unfair competition because they have lost the market and we have allowed other countries' businesses to go and fill in those markets—it's always hard to get a market back once you lose it—because the government hasn't chosen to use multilateral organizations, which is Canada's tradition, such as the Francophonie, the Commonwealth, the OAS and ASEAN as well as other Asian countries.
The Prime Minister was just at a meeting of the Americas, and I did not hear the Prime Minister propose that the western hemisphere impose western hemisphere sanctions on Russia and that they come in lockstep with us and the United States on imposing these issues. Why is it that the Prime Minister, once he left the country, didn't seem to think about the issues of Ukrainian Canadians, and the issues that Volodymyr Zelenskyy has raised about it being a good start on sanctions, and use his pulpit there in his bilateral meetings? The Prime Minister and the foreign minister have a lot of bilateral meetings on the side with their counterparts. Why is it that they didn't make a public statement saying that they want the western hemisphere to stop trading with Russia?
They didn't do that, and I think the government needs to come forward. I would venture that the Minister of Foreign Affairs needs to explain to this committee why the minister is not putting forward in the multilateral organizations what I would think is probably our most important foreign policy issue to discuss today, and explain why they are not taking that traditional Canadian role.
That all points to the subamendment issue and why we need to complete this study. There's still a lot of work to do here. There's still a lot of accountability here for the government, which I think has done a fairly timid job of putting pressure on Putin, his advisers, the Russian government and frankly the Russian people to put pressure on their own government that this is an unjust war and that they've been fed basically a propaganda set of lies. The only way that's going to happen, ultimately, given what's happened to the media and the fact that the world media has been thrown out of Russia, is through, in my view, is by putting a little more financial pressure around access to day-to-day goods on the Russian people beyond what they see.
Quite frankly, they're not seeing the impacts. When a Russian oligarch can come in and basically take over the Starbucks chain or take over the real estate where McDonald's was and do their knock-off burgers and knock-off coffee, the Russian people aren't feeling the same sort of pressure. Therefore, they aren't putting any pressure on their government. Why isn't this committee looking at why that happened and why we haven't gone on in the international forum to propose resolutions?
The government is willing to propose resolutions here at committee on various issues unrelated to Ukraine, but it is not willing to propose motions in multilateral organizations to try to increase the effectiveness of the global effort to reduce the economic viability of the wealth of the oligarchs and the access to western goods that Russia so clearly loves. The government isn't doing that. The government didn't propose it. I would love hear from the government members on why it hasn't proposed doing that in any of those multilateral organizations.
Even on the basic sanctions that we have now on the 344 people, the oligarchs, and the limited targeted industries that the government has chosen, why hasn't it promoted those same rules being put in place around the world? I've sat in those meetings. I've sat in the Organization of American States meetings where we've put those forward.
It took a lot of work and a lot of bilaterals. I experienced the fact that leaky sanctions cause others to fill in. I was in bilaterals with European countries of the day when we were dealing with Haiti that said, well, you know, there are no UN sanctions, so we can't impose sanctions—but they can impose sanctions if their regional multilateral organization imposes sanctions.
Those organizations—the Francophonie, the OAS—because we've heard from officials in the Ukrainian government—