Mr. Chair, I'd like to thank the honourable member. That was very kind of him.
I was going to use my time to ask once again that we vote on Mr. Bergeron's subamendment, but I know we can't do that because there are still people on the speaking list.
I listened to what the honourable member had to say, and I want to thank him for his earnest examination of the subamendment. I didn't know it was possible to spend a whole five minutes talking about changing a word in the singular to the plural. I was trying to explain what a filibuster was to some colleagues and family members, but they didn't really get it. If they tuned in to this morning's proceedings, they just might.
Ms. Fry put forward a fine motion. I think the committee can move the discussion along and proceed swiftly to a vote. I've had a look at the studies the committee has begun, and they seem very worthwhile. A lot of work has been done. It's too bad that the committee is still discussing this motion.
That's all the time I'm going to take.
Thank you to the honourable member for giving me his time.