Mr. Chair, I'm going to suggest a constructive way out of this impasse.
The way I read the motion is that it's a clear reference to the leaked draft from the Supreme Court of the United States. I do not believe that this committee should be studying access to abortion in the United States. I don't think that's constructive for the committee to be doing. I don't think it is the top of mind concern in bilateral relations between Canada and the United States.
But I do believe studying reproductive rights for women globally is within the remit of the committee and is something the committee could take a look at. In order to square that circle, what I'm going to suggest is that we strike part of the motion.
I'll move an amendment that doesn't change the substance of the motion but does change its context. I move that we strike the following words, “given recent reports of international backsliding related to women's sexual and reproductive health and rights”.
Mr. Chair, I move that amendment to the motion so that it's clear it's not in reference to recent events that have taken place in the United States. It still preserves the rest of the motion for the subcommittee to consider. I hope that my suggestion here and my intervention that we not study access to abortion rights in the United States will be taken to consideration when the subcommittee meets to talk about planning our future business.
I think it's well within our rights to study access to reproductive rights globally, but I do not believe we should be studying access to abortion in the United States. I think the committee should focus on countries around the world, but not the current debate that's raging in the United States because of the recently leaked draft decision from the Supreme Court. I don't think it's conducive to Canada-U.S. relations. I don't think it's something that we should be seized with as a committee.
I move that amendment in the hope that we can get it adopted and can then adopt this motion so that the subcommittee can put this into its consideration for future committee business. I hope that's constructive. That will allow us to move forward and deal with the motion at hand.
Thank you, Mr. Chair.